Organic production, the launch of natural cosmetics, and innovative food products were the attractions of the fairs, held from June 8th to 11th, in São Paulo.
São Paulo, June 2022 – With the mission of bringing together companies and their audiences, entrepreneurs and organic and natural producers, the BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA and NATURALTECH received 35,600 visitors over four days at the Anhembi Pavilion, in São Paulo. The 15% growth in the number of exhibitors (total of 772 brands), representing a universe of more than 8 sectors of the organic and natural market, also demonstrates a greater connection of the industry to develop products and services and, thus, serve a group of more conscious consumers.
According to Francal Feiras, responsible for the promotion and organization of events that occupied 42 thousand m² of Anhembi, this edition also registered a 26.5% increase in health professionals, nutritionists, chefs, and gastrologists, which came from various regions of Brazil, as highlighted by Valeska Oliveira Ciré, head of products at BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA and NATURALTECH: “We were happy to receive dozens of reports from exhibitors praising the qualification of buyers – a growth of 17.5% compared to the 2019 edition”.
“We received much greater contact from customers who already knew Souvie through social networks and were able to come to the fair to learn more about the brand and our products. The BIO BRAZIL FAIR is very important for our company; it is the only one in the sector that we participate in, as we see it as a great opportunity for our sales performance”, reveals Monique Barbosa, a marketing professional at Souvie, a company that participated for the fourth time at the fair.
The balance was also positive for Larissa Pessoa, owner of Ahoaloe Ethnic Ethics. “This year was great for us to be present in our main business niche: natural and organic cosmetics. We felt a lot of difference in the public compared to the 2019 edition. Consumers are more selective and prefer to know the products before making a purchase. They are more informed. We intend to return next year, as the event is very important for the sector. I believe that we will be stronger and stronger, with more brands and more partners”.
For Cobi Cruz, director of the Organic Promotion Association, Organis, an entity that is also one of the fair’s supporters, the diversity of products and services presented is fundamental for the sector. “The fair showed that it is possible to think of almost anything to be an organic product. Organic cotton, cosmetics, organic meats, a series of new processed products… And besides, there are a lot of talented people offering interesting products and services. We were able to accompany many newcomers to the fair, already with expressive stands”. For him, this shows the potential of organic products in the country.
NATURALTECH, the largest fair of natural products in Latin America, brought together companies of natural products, probiotics, wholegrain, phytotherapeutics, and complementary treatments. Brazil is fourth in the world ranking of revenue in this sector.
The good results of the event were praised by many of the exhibiting brands, which presented high-quality products in line with the best in food and supplement production.
Fabrício Souza, a partner at Di Mangiare, who participated for the first time as an exhibitor, was another who celebrated his participation. “I was surprised by the volume of business. We want to expand to 50 points of sale throughout Brazil. We made these contacts and also got logistics partners for the interior of the Northeast, Goiás, and Mato Grosso. We have already confirmed our presence at the next edition with a bigger stand”.
The same climate was felt by the CEO of Mais Granel, Leandro Garcia. “The fair exceeded expectations and was a complete success. We are looking for B2B business and we are just getting our target audience. Every day we hit our goal. We sold more than R$100,000 and made agreements with more than 750 points of sale during the event”.
“Launches represent 30% of our annual growth and, due to the pandemic, we were unable to put anything new on the market for two years. We came to the fair with nine new products and the visitors received them very well. We were able to make a lot of sales both to the final consumer and from contracts with companies that were already customers, and with new ones as well”, said Rafael Wirz, marketing leader at Flor de Mel.
Ricardo Laurino, president of the Brazilian Vegetarian Society, SVB, another NATURALTECH supporter, understands that “this is always a way to oxygenate our desire to be close to exhibitors and entrepreneurs. And also to show our work to the public”.
Over 120 hours of content
Visitors also had access to a program of more than 120 hours of content on trends, management, marketing, technologies, and news that are coming to the market. Among the topics that were presented by industry experts, personal care and beauty items are receiving more and more attention from the industry to bring consumers innovations ranging from scents, essences, creams, shampoos, soaps, and makeup.
Proof of this was the presence of personalities and experts, renowned names in the healthy living, sustainability, and cuisine segments, such as Bela Gil, who gave the opening lecture, Laila Zaid, socio-environmental activist and actress, and chefs Erick Jacquin and Carla Pernambuco. Influencer and businesswoman Gabriela Pugliesi also chose the event to launch her new collagen food brand, GAAB.
“The grandeur of these events showed not only the potential that the natural and organic market has but also how much is already a reality in the daily lives of consumers”, highlights the head of product at BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH LATIN AMERICA and NATURALTECH. “This was also the moment to rediscover the production and distribution chain after literally two years without meetings, precisely the moments that strengthen ties and boost business”. The next edition of the fairs is already confirmed for the 14th to 17th of June 2023, again at Anhembi.
The events also included the International Forum on Organic and Sustainable Production, the 13th Vegetarianism in Focus Seminar, and the 3rd Panel on Organic, Natural, and Aromatherapy Cosmetics.
Support: Organis, Instituto Brasil Orgânico, Catálogo Nacional de Produtos Orgânicos, Naturais e Sustentáveis, SVB (Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira), and Anfarmag (Associação Nacional dos Farmacêuticos Magistrais).
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About Francal Feiras
A promoter of events with 100% national capital, Francal Feiras is one of the main players in the trade fair market. Through the 12 events in its portfolio, it not only contributes to the economic and social development of the different sectors in which it operates but also effectively moves the economy of the places where they are held.
Driven by the same speed that affects consumer society and the business environment, Francal Feiras offers the market innovative deliveries, which serve as an important platform for business, experiences, connection, and knowledge for the entire production chain. With more than five decades of operation, it is a reference in Brazil and recognized abroad.
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