Actions focused on nutrition professionals will be carried out in partnership with Equilibrium and VP Nutrição Funcional
São Paulo, March 2023 – BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA and NATURALTECH, the largest fairs of organic and natural products in Latin America, reaches its 17th edition established as a reference in healthy eating, supplements, organic products and health promotion. Following this premise, the event will feature a special program for nutritionists, organized in partnership with Equilibrium, a company specializing in health marketing with services aimed at the wellness, food, personal care and pharmaceutical industries, and with VP – Nutrição Funcional, an organization dedicated to teaching and research in functional nutrition.
Considered one of the main showcases for trends and news in the sector, the BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMERICA LATINA AND NATURALTECH will be held between the 14th and 17th of June, at the Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion, in São Paulo. Fairs are recognized as a source of inspiration for those who believe in well-being and quality of life as a niche market, and nutrition professionals are an important audience.
In this sense, the head of product at Francal Feiras says: “That’s why we created special content for nutritionists who visit the fair, to welcome, interact, take pills of knowledge and recognize the importance of this professional”.
Among the actions in partnership with Equilibrium are taking nutritionists to the event through Academia da Nutrição, an exclusive digital communication channel for professionals in the area; the coordination of the VIP lounge, where lectures, workshops and content panels will take place entitled by the promoter “Pride in Nurturing”; support for the Naturaltech Award, through curatorship in the selection of participating brands and the criteria that the judging committee must evaluate to determine the winners, in addition to guided tours of the stands of the finalist companies, so that they can discover and test the products exclusively.
“Brazil is the only country in the world where the nutritionist has the greatest influence on consumer choices. Through these actions, we want to inspire and show companies how Naturaltech and Bio Brazil Fair impact the healthy food market and that their effort is worth it!”, comments Cynthia Antonaccio, founder and CEO of Equilibrium.
As for the Functional Nutrition VP, among the various actions, the highlight will be a certified course aimed at nutritionists and nutrition students, with professional updating content, valuing Brazilian biodiversity, especially organic and functional products, the presentation of a case that deals with food security in Brazil.
“We want to attract health and nutrition professionals and academics to show all the potential that our area has to change human health and our planet”, says Valéria Paschoal, founder of VP Center for Functional Nutrition and who will also be one of the jurors of the Bio Brazil Fair and Naturaltech Award.
Registration for the fairs is free for all audiences and can be carried out at
Date: June 14th to 17th, 2023
Time: from 10 am to 8 pm.
Location: Pavilhão de Exposições do Anhembi
Address: Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209 – Santana, São Paulo (SP).
* 14th and 15th, from 10 am to 1 pm, exclusively for professionals.
*Rest of the public – after 1 pm.
Bio Brazil Fair| BIOFACH América Latina e Naturaltech
NATURALTECH and BIO BRAZIL FAIR | BIOFACH AMÉRICA LATINA are the main fairs in the organic and natural products sector, including food, cosmetics, and pet products. Held by Francal Feiras simultaneously, they bring together the main players in the market – in previous editions, the events received more than 36,000 visitors and presented at least 1,200 new features to the market.
Francal Feiras
Since 1969, Francal Feiras has been synonymous with business and pioneering spirit. With more than five decades of activity and 100% national capital, the company is one of the largest and most traditional event promoters in the country. The business generated by the 13 events in its portfolio moves the economy and contributes to the development of all regions of Brazil.
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