The fairs connected the organic and natural products community with business, knowledge and relationship.
Lat week, the organic and natural products community gave another example of their union during the first edition of the Virtual Bio Brazil Fair | Biofach America Latina and Naturaltech, which was held on October 20 – 23, 2020.
In a simple and interactive platform, producers, manufacturers, buyers, industry professionals, consumers, journalists and influencers have met again, after months of social isolation, in a 100% online and safe environment.
On the one hand, more than 100 brands of food, cosmetics and other organic and natural products, food supplements, vegetarians and vegans presented 2,604 products.
On the other hand, almost 6 thousand visitors had access to this universe. The different areas of the platform registered almost 200 thousand views, highlighting the exhibitor’s showcase, with 28,400
The interactivity took place through 295 chat rooms, in addition to direct messages between exhibitors and visitors, which totaled more than 4,800.
For more than 15 years, Bio Brazil Fair | Biofach America Latina and Naturaltech connect the organic and natural products community with business, knowledge and relationship.
Consolidated as the main sustainable industry event in Latin America and now in the virtual environment as well, the fairs will be ready to receive the entire community face to face and safely in 2021, from June 9th to 12th, at Anhembi Exhibition Hall, in São Paulo.
One of the pillars of Bio Brazil Fair | Biofach America Latina and Naturaltech Virtual, the content extended for more than 40 hours of an incredible program that promoted dialogue, the exchange of experiences and the connection of the entire community with issues that make a difference in the companies and people’s lives.
The highlight was the Leaders’ Natural Food Summit, with daily panels that covered all the links of the organic and natural products chain – production, industry, retail and innovation led by foodtechs – represented by entities and companies such as FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Instituto Brasil Orgânico, BTG Pactual, Grupo Associado de Agricultura Sustentável, BRF, Cooperativa CAISP, Korin, Carrefour Brasil, Boali, HortiFruti, Food Consulting, NotCo Brazil, Fazenda Futuro, Liv Up e FoodTech Movement.
More important than food security is food sovereignty, it is the population having the power and the right to define what they want to eat.
Rogério Dias, from Instituto Brasil Orgânico, at the frist day of Leaders’ Natural Food Summit
Vegetarianism, a topic of great relevance for the 14 million Brazilians who have already adhered to this food choice and for millions of other supporters, was part of the lectures schedule promoted by SVB – Brazilian Vegetarian Society.
From show-classes to lectures on the market and health, Vegetarianism in Focus brought updated practices, information and studies for those who are already adept or intend to make the transition from animal to vegetable food.
It is necessary to demystify the idea that accessible veganism is a lifestyle. It is not, it is a choice that embraces all lifestyles.
Guilherme Carvalho, SVB executive secretary during the presentation Accessible Veganism during and after the pandemic (Vegetarianism in Focus)
The novelties in natural cosmetics and the transformations that these products have been promoting in the market and in our health were also present in the program, as well as lectures on the new mindset of food supplementation, biodiversity, self-knowledge and well-being.
The success of this first virtual edition of the Bio Brazil Fair | Biofach America Latina and Naturaltech confirmed our expectation that virtual events are here to stay.
They will be another tool for connecting with the market and will complement the experiences offered by the face-to-face fairs.
Valeska Oliveira Ciré, Product Head of Bio Brazil Fair | Biofach America Latina and Naturaltech
About us
Driven by the same speed that affects the consumer society, Francal Feiras offers innovative deliveries to the 15 markets it represents. Its events are not only an important business platform, but also experience, connection and knowledge for the entire production chain. With more than five decades of experience, Francal Feiras is a reference in Brazil and recognized abroad.
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October, 2020
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